100x70 linocut print
This artwork was mostly inspired by a film "Lobster" directed by Jorgos Lanthimos in which protagonist is bounded by law to get new partner after his divorce, in a set time frame. If he does not succeed, he'll be changed into an animal of his choice, in this case lobster. Even though we actually never see the process of this reincarntion, I wanted to illustrate it.

The other part of this illustration is my own relation with this animal, which have been a part of my life for a long time now, a kind of a spirit animal you could say. In a way, it was confirmed by the film I mentioned, arguments of the protagonist for his choice of lobster actually matched my own ideas and symbolism I've put into idea of ​​this self-identification with lobsters.
Lobsters are said to be long lasting, they have blue blood, live their lifes in solitude, and have rich in symbolism red coloring.
The grotesque atmosphere, and Lovecraftian influences are also an integral part of my preferred direction.


